You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.14. Maintenance - Other Maintenance > Maintenance - Other Maintenance - Archive Data > Archive Records - Purge - POS
Archive Records - Purge - POS

This utility is provided to remove data from the Micronet standard POS and Enhanced POS systems.

  1. Complete the fields on the Archive Records screen.

Refer to "Maintenance – Other Maintenance – Archive Data".

  1. Select PURGE | POS.

If your Micronet database is connected to SQL, Micronet displays a message asking if you want the archived records pushed into SQL.

  1. Select Yes if you want the archives pushed into SQL or No if you don't.

In both cases, Micronet displays the Archive POS Records screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Select a Range

If you want to limit the archiving to a specific range of debtors, check the Debtor Range box.

If you want to limit the archiving to a specific range of products, check the Item Range box.


Enter Starting / Ending Debtor Number

If you checked the Debtor Range box, enter the IDs of the first and last debtors you want archived.


Enter Starting / Ending Item Number

If you check the Item Range box, enter the IDs of the first and last products you want archived.

  1. Select the Accept button.

Micronet purges the selected data and redisplays the Archive Records screen where you can select to archive other data if required.